E-Mailing Match Reports Will Be Mandatory Starting with the Spring 2015 Season
Due to the increasing delays, unreliability and expense of U.S. Postal Delivery, the MMDL has made the difficult decision to make e-mail submission of weekly match reports MANDATORY beginning with the Spring 2015 season. For the first mandatory season, you may still receive postage-paid return envelopes BY REQUEST ONLY by checking the appropriate box on your roster application form.
If using your smart phone camera or a tablet, we HIGHLY RECOMMEND you download the FREE CAM SCANNER app to make sure you can submit a legible image - use the following links depending on your device:
Please make sure image is very clear and easily readable or it may be rejected and cause additional delays to score reporting (see examples below). You may wish to do a test picture before the season to ensure image quality will be acceptable, contact your area's statistician below to coordinate a test run. WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND USING THE 'CAM SCANNER' APP! See above or visit the league website (mmdl.org) for links to FREE versions of this app on all major mobile platforms (IOS, Android & Win).
METHOD #2 - DESKTOP DOCUMENT SCANNER - Using a scanner is an ideal way to make sure you take a clear image of your report and do not encounter any glitches or further delays in processing. If possible, please use this method to avoid any issues. Email the image in .pdf or .jpg format.
SS & Central - Becky Wainwright:
Please also include the week # and final score of your match in the subject and/or body of your email.
NOTE: Please remember the following when emailing your match report:
- ALWAYS keep a hardcopy of the match report on hand as a backup.
- Reports submitted later than Friday 12noon following the match are subject to late penalty point deductions.
- Please also include the final score of your match in the body of your email.
- DO NOT send your report by email AND US postal mail, DO ONE OR THE OTHER ONLY
- If your scores are not posted within 48 hours after submission, contact your statistician
Thank you for your cooperation!
Upcoming Local Events -- 2014
Join the "Darts in New England" Facebook Group to stay on top of all local tournaments and competitions.
- 9/12-9/14 - Sunday River - Newry, ME
- **9/20 - MMDL Cricket Champtionship - Beverly Elks
- 9/26-9/28 - Cape Cod Open - Yarmouth Moose Lodge
- 10/10 - Super LOD - Abington Polish Club
- 10/11 - Fall Dart Challenge - Braintree Moose
- **10/17-19 - Witch City Open XXVI - Nashua, NH **
- 11/9 - ADO Regional Cricket Championship - Amesbury, MA
- November 14-16 - Seacoast Open - Nashua, NH
Get your own personalized team apparel at MMDLgear.com!
Women's MMDL Spirit Sweatpants - $35.00
--<( MMDL Board of Directors
Minute Man Dart League, Inc. - www.MMDL.org
World's Largest Steel Tip Dart League
Next Board Meeting: 09/29/14 6:30pm
Meeting location -
Donahue's Bar & Grill
87 Bigelow Ave
Watertown, MA 02472
* MMDL BoD meetings are open to the public. If you wish to attend an MMDL Board Meeting, please contact your Area Director to make sure there are no last minute changes to the meeting time and location, and make note if you want to address the board with an issue to add to the meeting agenda.
Please encourage your team mates to sign up for this email list. To subscribe, go to the MMDL website or just send an email to mmdl-news-and-announcements-subscribe@googlegroups.com
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Why not have the Home team captains enter the Score & Notables electronically? Have this feature added. This taken pictures of sheet is out of date technology. More work for the org to enter the data. Just have those data entry people make sure the Captains enter the results by a certain date. 2 or 3 days from match.