Wednesday, April 29, 2009

[MMDL] MMDL 501 Singles - Men's Start Times Changed

Dear MMDL Member:
Please see below for an important announcement regarding changes to the event start times for the remaining MMDL Singles Qualifier tournaments.
But first....CONGRATULATIONS to the following Men and Women qualifiers from this past Saturday's event at the Beverly Elks.  Each player listed below has qualified for the finals tournament to be held on June 13th, location still tbd.
Complete results can be found on the MMDL website, click here:
GOLD Qualifiers:
Bill Franklin
Tom Sawyer
Avery Barry
Scott Gilman
SILVER Qualifiers:
Gary Hewson
Kevin Pelletier
Jeff Taro
Charles Summit
BRONZE Qualifiers:
David Joly
Chris King
Denton Mitchell
Tim Griffin
PURPLE Qualifiers:
Kathy Driscoll
Colleen Donovan
Darcie DeLuca
Suzanne Laspesa
PINK Qualifiers:
Carol Rawson
Terri Merson
Becky Wainwright
Donna Millett
Based on last Saturday's event, MMDL has decided to further space out the men's event start times for the remaining qualifiers as follows:
Purple and Pink:  NO CHANGES, start times remain 1pm and 3pm respectively
Bronze event (D and Below): Start time remains 12noon
Silver event (B and C): Start time changed to 2:30pm
Gold event (A): Start time changed to 5:00pm
Please help spread the word about these changes to your fellow shooters.  An updated event flyer is attached or can be downloaded from here.
We hope to see you this Sunday, May 3rd at the Framingham Eagles!  Don't forget, there is an all you can eat buffet from 10am-2pm.
--<( MMDL Board of Directors

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